
Mark Smith on the move

A heads up for anyone who used to read Mark Smith's astronomy weblog:

Due to problems with Blogger (they appear to have totally lost his weblog and have not answered a single query he's sent to them) Mark's had to start again. You can find his new weblog at http://marksmith-1986.blogspot.com/.

His isn't the only astronomy weblog I've noticed go missing recently. Daily Planet seems to have gone AWOL as well.

I'm also finding that Blogger is becoming increasingly flaky (publishing seems to be a hit-and-miss affair) and I've been giving serious thought to hosting my weblogs over on the same server as my main sites. In some ways it would be a shame to have to do this, this blog is linked to from quite a few places and appears to have got a reasonable Google PageRank — I don't relish the idea of having to try and build all of that up again from scratch.

And, of course, there's all the hassle of trying to get the content over...

File Under: Blogger.


Anonymous said...

If you do decide to move just let me know and I will change all my links.

Dave Pearson said...

Thanks Stuart, I'll be sure to do that.

If/when it happens I'll be posting here way in advance. I'd also keep this site open anyway because I've noticed that spammers seem to be keeping an eye on deleted Blogger sites and grab the names for themselves so as to "hijack" any PageRank/incoming links you've built up.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't thought of that. Trust the spammers to think of every trick.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately,~Z~ over at Daily planet has shut down her blog.Word has it,she will be restarting it after the first of the year?!.

Dave Pearson said...

Ahh, so that was deliberate removal.

Thanks for the information Andrew.

And ~Z~, if you happen to read this, it'll be good to see you blogging again.

Paul Sutherland said...

The idea of blogs vanishing is a bit scary. Blogger suggest a slightly convoluted way of backing up your blog here:
However, I found a rather useful posting about the subject here:
I don't know how easy it would be to restore a back-up though.