
Astroblast this Saturday

As I first mentioned a couple of months back this Saturday is Astroblast 2006 at the Cambridge Institute of Astronomy. All being well I'll be popping along so I hope to write about it some time next week.

I do wonder how many people will attend. Either I've not been paying much attention it it's not been very well advertised in the UK astronomy press (and it seems I'm not the only one to get this impression). It's also interesting (and sort of worrying) to note that I appear to be the only person who has written about it in the UK astronomy blogs.

File Under: Astroblast, Green Witch, Cambridge Astronomical Association, Institute of Astronomy.


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any publicity for it but then I have been out of normal circulation for a few months by being on the other side of the planet. I hope it was good fun Dave.

Dave Pearson said...

Thanks. It turned out to be a pretty fun day. All being well I'll write up a little report about it (along with some pictures) tomorrow.